Module 1 : Compassion

“True compassion means not only feeling another’s pain but also being moved to help relieve it.”
Lasting change occurs in the heart, but it starts with our habits. In this special teaching Pastor Steven reveals 3 habits for improving your attitude, overcoming difficult seasons, and maintaining your hope.
In this podcast, Pastor Craig Groeschel identifies different types of leaders and the followers they create. Plus, he'll share how each kind of leader can grow.
In this podcast, Pastor Craig Groeschel identifies the last three kinds of leaders and how they influence those who follow them.
Pastor Andy Stanley will begin a two-part conversation about the complexity of purpose.
Pastor Andy Stanley concludes a two-part conversation about the complexity of purpose.
13. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
How can we best carry the responsibility we’ve been given at the church?
Next Steps
When you have completed this level please complete the quiz and schedule a Check-in with your mentor.